March 2, 2003


KST UHF operation memorandam for March 2 BY S. Nozawa

 (Using Netscape might be in trouble on this page.)

Experiment name: arc1 (normal arc1 with the field-aligned-position:(184.0,77.1, 292.9)


We will make an optical campaign using high resolution aurora cameras and 4-wavelength photometer with EISCAT UHF radar. We strongly hope to use the ARC mode (at field-aligned position) with the UHF radar. Sweden will contribute 8hrs to this campaign. Also Norway will contribute 16hrs. NI(18), SW(8), NO(16)


elan files: arc1-u.elan, arc1-k.elan, arc-s.élan (just use arc1 series)

directory: /kst/exp/arc1-u (arc-k, arc1-s )

Pulse scheme: arc1

Start time: 19:00 UT on March 2, 2003

End time: 01:00 UT on March 3, 2003

Participants: Satonori Nozawa, Shuei Tomida, Hiroshi Miyaoka, and Maarten Blixt


Before our experiment: Nothing

After our experiment: Nothing

But, Heating experiment might be made.


Note: (time in UT)

March 2

      Clear sky! We can see starts.... Some activities are going, on though...

18:35  check the antenna status.

       sod printexp   -> worked

       kir printexp -> No answer…

18:43  Phoned Kiruna site, but no answer. 

      Phoned cell phone, then I got the person on duty.  He will be at the site shortly.

      No communication with kiruna.


19:00 START (enablerec; sod eneablerec)

      1236 kW

      pointrheight 184.0 77.1 292.9

      sod  pointrheight 184.0 77.1 292.9

19:15 startexp Kiruna 19:15.  (kir enablerec)

      kir  pointrheight 184.0 77.1 292.9

      Now kiruna works well. We can see signals at Kiruna.

      A problem of EROS caused the problem.


March 3

00:56  1294 kW

01:00 stopexp







Moderate Tx power (about 1250 kW). 

Tx is very stable (amazing).

Clear sky or partly cloudy

Aurora and Black aurora!!
