December 12, 2004


KST UHF operation memorandum for the December 12 experiment

(Using Netscape might be in trouble on this page.)

Experiment name: tau2pl (CP2)


This SP (CP2) is made to support a rocket launch from Andoya.@ All associations have contributed their SP times.


elan files:tau2pl-elan (just use taul2pl series)

Pulse scheme: tau2pl

Start time: 16:00 UT on December 12, 2004

End time: 04:00 UT on December 13, 2004


Participants: Satonori Nozawa, and Takuo Tsuda


Before our experiment: AAEV

After our experiment: nothing


Note: (time in UT)

December 12

@@@@@ Snowing.@ Temperature is -2 deg.

@@@@@ This is the 8th day for the Delta Campaign.@

@@@@@ At last, the sounding rocket was launched.


16:00@ START

@@@@@ at EROS4 console (UHF)

@@@@@ runexp /kst/exp/tau2pl/tau2pl 16:00 cp2 NI

@@@@@ @(292.9 km is set automatically for tristatic measurements)

@@@@@ Tx is on (1402 kW)

16:00@ sod runexp /kst/exp/tau2pl/tau2pl 16:00 cp2 NI

@@@@@ kir runexp /kst/exp/tau2pl/tau2pl 16:00 cp2 NI

16:01@ enablerec

16:01@ sod enablerec

@@@@@ kir enablerec

16:04@ at matilda

@@@@@ cd /home/eiscat/users/yogawa

@@@@@ guisdap_delta –a

@@@@@ @@@ data path = /data/tau2pl_u_cp2_1.10HF_NI@uhf@

@@@@@ @@@ result path = /analysis/results/AUTO; 0 0 0 1 1

@@@@@ at another window

@@@@@ @ cd /home/eiscat/users/yogawa

@@@@@ @ update &




16:06@ Tx 1419 kW

17:35@@@ snowing

@@@@@ It is also clody/snowing at Skibotn.@ It is NOT windy at Andoya


20:19@ still X=-1:30

23:27@ 1574 kW


December 13

00:21@ Decided to launch.

00:22@ gcount-downh got started


00:32:57 LAUNCH!!!!!!


02:15@ clear sky, - 6 degrees

03:34@ clear sky, - 8 degrees


04:00@ stopexp (all sites)

@@@@@ clear sky, - 10 degrees



l AAEV: Aspect angle effects in the velocity of E-region coherent echoes

l A multi-instrument campaign involving EISCAT, CUTLASS (special mode), and

STARE. The requested time is overscheduled and cancellation will occur depending on geophysical conditions (moderate to disturbed). The AAEV campaign is coordinated with the CRASE experiment so that if one is cancelled then another one will be run or vice versa. Altogether (AAEV+CRASE) 46 hours are requested while only 34 will be used.@@@