Time is in UT (HHMM), and strength of E-field is in mV/m. The geographic coordinate is used (North, East, and Down). E-field is derived from data at 230 km. Format = (I4,I5,4F10.2) Date Time Enorth Eeast Enortherr Eeasterr 116 1705 -9.27 26.97 6.83 8.70 116 1711 -12.39 -4.08 15.27 14.67 116 1729 22.50 -18.31 13.49 12.77 116 1741 -17.52 8.60 12.39 11.91 116 1753 -4.46 -2.26 9.69 9.65 116 1835 -101.66 123.63 15.91 5.29 116 2041 -64.41 37.82 5.89 4.28 116 2047 193.18 -154.21 32.78 10.85 116 2117 119.82 -66.61 41.27 14.76 116 2129 -53.45 19.11 3.59 4.52 116 2205 -41.67 11.16 11.40 10.30 116 2229 113.27 -119.65 9.98 10.68