Time is in UT (HHMM), and strength of E-field is in mV/m. The geographic coordinate is used (North, East, and Down). E-field is derived from data at 230 km. Format = (I4,I5,4F10.2) Date Time Enorth Eeast Enortherr Eeasterr 123 2321 -9.77 3.71 41.48 26.19 124 9 50.23 -10.81 6.46 5.24 124 133 -2.07 15.46 24.27 9.14 124 145 101.95 -43.80 14.56 14.65 124 209 -29.67 8.50 7.66 6.16 124 233 10.28 53.50 32.97 21.24