January 25, 2009

KST UHF operation memorandum for the January 25, 2009 experiment

12th day DELTA-2 campaign: LAST DAY!!!! Launched !!!


Experiment name: DELTA2: beata (CP2)

@@@@@@ pointrheight 185.8 77.4 299.6


elan files:puny : /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata


Pulse scheme: beata

Start time: 17:00 UT on January 25, 2009

End time:05:00 UT on January 26, 2009

Participants: Satonori Nozawa, Yasunobu Ogawa, and Shi-ichiro Oyama.


Before our experiment: ip2

After our experiment: Nothing


Other instruments.

Photometer, STEL digital camera (1-min interval), STEL proton imager (1-min interval).


Note: (time in UT)

January 25, 2009

@@@@@ Clear sky, and -7 deg.


Today, use cp2w where two beams are pointed westward instead of eastward directions


16:43@ run /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata 16:48 cp2w NI

16:59@@@ Tx up


17:00@ enablerec

@@@@@ at EROS5 console (UHF)

17:05@ 1.4 MW


18:03 Tx down

17:56 recovered

@@@@@ 1.36 MW

@@@@@ The ionosphere is quiet.


20:10 stopexp

20:13 restart g12 min cycleh

@@@@@ run /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata 20:00 cp2w_12 NI

@@@@@ enablerec


@@@@@ 1.34 MW

@@@@@ The ionosphere is still quiet.@ The faint aurora appeared in the north.


22:19 stopexp


22:20 The aurora activity gets higher!

22:25 run /kst/exp/ni/beata/beata 22:12 cp2w NI

@@@@@ enablerec


@@@@@ 1.3 MW


January 26, 2009


00:15 The rocket was launched



02:02 Tx off

02:04 recovered


04:59:59 stopexp




The activity of the ionosphere was low for 5 hrs from the beginning.

After 2200 UT, the ionosphere above Tromso exhibited an activity.

At 00:25 aurora break up!




Cycle time=6 min

V(180, 90)@ 1'10"@@

W (193.5, 64.0) 1'00"

WM (226.7,61.6) 0'55"

FA (185.8, 77.4) 0'50"



Cycle time=12min

V(180, 90)@ 2'45"@@

W (193.5, 64.0) 2'35"

WM (226.7,61.6) 2'30"

FA (185.8, 77.4) 2'25"



Cycle time=12min

FA (185.8, 77.4) 2'45"

E (166.5, 59.4) 2'40'

EM (133.3, 56.8) 2'30

V(180, 90)@ 2"30"