Since Sep 6, 2020
Last updated on September 6, 2020.

Publication list for Satonori Nozawa

(B) Supplements

(1) Sato, M., Y. Kamide, A. Brekke, and S. Nozawa, The altitude profile of ionospheric currents and conductivities deduced from EISCAT observations, Proc. NIPR Symp. Upper Atmos. Phys., 7 18-25, 1994.

(2) Pudovkin, M. I., A. Brekke, S. A. Zaitseva, and S. Nozawa, Third International Conference on Substorms (ICS-3), Versailles, France, 12-17 May 1996, ESA SP-389, 141-145, 1996.

(3) Maeda, S., H. Fujiwara, and S. Nozawa, Dayside neutral winds in the queit E-region deduced from the EISCAT IS radar data, Proc. NIPR Symp. Upper Atmos. Phys., 12, 138-143, 1998.

(4) Brekke, A., R. Fujii, Y. Kamide, and S. Nozawa, On the height distribution of auroral E-region currents, eds. S. Kokubun and Y. Kamide, SUBSTORMS-4, Terra Scientific Publishing Company/ Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 67-72, 1998.

(5) Maeda, S., and S. Nozawa, Meridional Gradients of the Neutral Temperature in the Dayside Summer E-Region, Advances in Polar Upper Atmos. Res., 14, 128-137, 2000.

(6) Nozawa, S., H. Iwahashi, T. Tsuda, S. Ohyama, R. Fujii, C. M. Hall, A. Manson, C. Meek, A. Brekke, S. Kawamura, and Y. Murayama, Tides in the polar mesosphere derived from two MF radar measurements at Poker Flat and Tromsoe, Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 54, 77-86, 2007.

(7) Mann, I., and S. Nozawa, EISCAT_3D Radar for Studies of the Polar Ionosphere and Magnetosphere, VarSITI Newsletter, 18, July 2018.