Map and Coordinates


Station Geographic Corrected Geomagnetic L-value
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
Longyearbyen 78.2° 16.0° 75.2° 112.2° 15.9
Bjornoya 74.3° 19.1° 71.5° 106.6° 9.9
Tromsoe 69.6° 19.2° 66.7° 102.2° 6.4
Kiruna 67.9° 20.4° 64.9° 101.9° 5.6
Sodankyla 67.4° 26.6° 64.2° 106.6° 5.3

The corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates are given here for the Earth's surface and Epoch 2010. (see CGM Home Page for details).