
Center for Integrated Data Science

To the website of Center for Integrated Data Science

The purpose of the Center for Integrated Data Science (CIDAS) is to construct infrastructure and conduct research and development to realize cutting-edge science for space and solar-terrestrial systems through integrated analyses using various kinds of observation data and advanced computer simulations.

CIDAS operates many projects in cooperation with the research divisions and the centers of Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), as well as other universities and institutes. Integrated studies using both observations and simulations are essential to increasing scientific knowledge. For the studies, CIDAS develops various software, databases, and high-performance computing facility, and provides them to researchers across the world as the joint research programs of ISEE. CIDAS also contributes to building facilities for the research community and facilitate scientific achievement through community projects.

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Hinode Science Center (Joint Project with NAOJ)

The Hinode Science Center is operated as a joint project with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and developed the database and analysis environment for the data provided by Japanese solar observation satellite Hinode.

ERG Science Center (Joint Research Center operated by ISEE/CIDAS and ISAS/JAXA)

The Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) Science Center operates as a joint research center in cooperation with the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (ISAS/JAXA), which releases data from the ERG project and develops integrated data analysis software.

Cooperative research on database construction and computers use

CIDAS is producing a database in collaboration with researchers at ISEE and other institutes. CIDAS is also conducting joint computational research programs in the solar, terrestrial, and planetary sciences using the supercomputer systems at the Information Technology Center (ITC) of Nagoya University.

HPCI consortium

ISEE is a leading institute for the High-Performance Computing Infrastructure (HPCI) consortium, an organization to discuss future directions in HPCI environments, including the next-generation flagship supercomputer system in Japan. CIDAS takes a leading part of high-performance computing for space and solar-terrestrial environmental research in Japan.
HPCI consortium 

HPC collaboration project at Nagoya University

CIDAS contributes to high-performance computing (HPC) computer science research project in cooperation with the information technology center of Nagoya University.

IUGONET (Inter-university Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network)

CIDAS has joined the inter-university network project (Tohoku University, National Institute of Polar Research, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, and Nagoya University) to develop a meta-data server and data analysis software.

World Data Center for Cosmic Rays

Development of a Cloud-resolving Storm Simulator

High-precision age calculation using Monte-Carlo simulation

We conduct Monte Carlo simulations of electron-atom interactions to improve the precision of age calculation based on the chemical isochron method (CHIME) and to develop measurement methods using an electron probe micro-analyzer (EPMA).

Maintenance of computer and network facilities

The computer servers, data storage, and workstations at the observatories at ISEE are maintained and operated by CIDAS.