International Symposium PSTEP-1
Toward the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction as Science and Social Infrastructure
Date: January 13 (Wed) – 14 (Thu), 2016
Venue: ES Hall in Higashiyama campus of Nagoya University.
Organizer/Host: Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP)
Co-host: Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University
PSTEP is a nation-wide project, which was recently established with the support of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas from MEXT/Japan. In this project, we are aiming for synergistic development of the solar-terrestrial science research and the next generation space weather forecast. The 1st PSTEP International Symposium is a forum to discuss the current status and future prospect of solar-terrestrial environment prediction, and also provides a valuable opportunity to formulate the international joint research planning for space weather and space climate study. We welcome everyone who is interested in solar-terrestrial environment prediction.
Science organizing committee:
Kanya Kusano, Mamoru Ishii, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Yoshizumi Miyoshi,
Shigeo Yoden, Kazuo Shiokawa, Shinsuke Imada
Contact: (PSTEP Secretariat, Nagoya University)
(Time allocation is given as presentation + discussion in min)
12 Jan (Tue)
17:00-18:00 Registration (ES Hall, Nagoya University)
18:00-19:00 Icebreaker (Restaurant chez Jiroud, near ES Hall, Nagoya University)
13 Jan (Wed)
9:00-9:30 Registration (ES Hall, Nagoya University)
Session 0. Project overview
Kanya Kusano (PI of PSTEP, Nagoya University, Japan) (15+10)
The PSTEP project
Session 1. Next Generation Space Weather Forecast
Mamoru Ishii (group leader of PSTEP-A01, NICT, Japan) (20+15)
Goal and strategy of the PSTEP-A01: Next generation space weather
Terry Onsager (NOAA, USA) (20+15)
Establishing priorities for improving space weather forecasts
11:05-12:05 Group photo & Poster session
12:05-13:00 Lunch
Zahra Bouya (BoM, Australia) (20+15)
Data driven models in support of SWS activities for
regional ionospheric specification and forecasting
Tsutomu Nagatsuma (NICT, Japan) (10+10)
Toward mitigating impact of spacecraft charging problem
Hiroshi Yasuda (Hiroshima University, Japan) (10+10)
Radiation protection of humans in space and aviation: Current
states and future needs on the warning system for aviation
exposure to SEP (WASAVIES)
Session 2. Prediction of solar storms
Kiyoshi Ichimoto (group leader of PSTEP-A02, Kyoto University, Japan) (20+15)
Goal and strategy of the PSTEP-A02: Toward the advanced
prediction of solar storms
K. D. Leka (NorthWest Research Associates, USA) (20+15)
The present state of forecasting solar flares
Takayuki Muranushi (RIKEN, Japan) (10+10)
An automated solar flare forecast service using UFCORIN
15:45-16:10 Coffee break
Yong-Jae Moon (Kyung Hee University, Korea) (20+15)
Lessons from empirical and neural network space weather forecast
Dusan Odstrcil (George Mason University, USA) (20+15)
Near real-time simulation of heliospheric space weather
Bernie Jackson (UCSD, USA) (10+10)
Using world interplanetary scintillation systems for space weather
Daikou Shiota (Nagoya University, Japan) (10+10)
MHD simulation of interplanetary propagation of multiple
coronal mass ejections with internal magnetic flux rope
18:30-20:30 Conference dinner (Restaurant HANA-NO-KI, Nagoya University)
14 Jan (Thu)
Session 3. Prediction of magnetosphere and ionosphere dynamics
Yoshizumi Miyoshi (group leader of PSTEP-A03, Nagoya University Japan)
Goal and strategy of the PSTEP-A03: Prediction of magnetosphere and
ionosphere dynamics
Tamas I. Gombosi (University of Michigan, USA) (20+15)
Space weather modeling at Michigan: From concept to operations
Endawoke Yizengaw (Boston College, USA) (20+15)
The geomagnetically induced currents at the equator associated with
the interplanetary shocks
Kazuo Shiokawa (Nagoya University, Japan) (10+10)
Ionosphere subgroup of PSTEP A03 (Geospace Dynamics)
Shinichi Watari (NICT, Japan) (10+10)
Measurement of geomagnetically induced current in Japan
11:55-13:00 Lunch
Session 4. Prediction and understanding of solar cycle activity and its impact on climate
Shigeo Yoden (group leader of PSTEP-A04, Kyoto University, Japan) (20+15)
Goal and strategy of the PSTEP-A04: Prediction and understanding of
solar cycle activity and its impact on climate
Margit Haberreiter (PMOD/World Radiation Center, Switzerland) (20+15)
Eleven-year and long-term variations in solar UV radiation and its
effect on the Earth’s atmosphere and climate
Limin Zhou (East China Normal University, China) (20+15)
The possible link between space weather and earth weather and
climate by global electric circuit
14:45-15:30 Poster viewing
Dan Marsh (NCAR, USA) (20+15)
Whole atmosphere modeling of solar-terrestrial coupling
Hidekatsu Jin (NICT, Japan) (10+10)
Vertical atmospheric coupling studied with a whole atmosphere-
ionosphere coupled model GAIA
Hiroko Miyahara (Musashino Art University, Japan) (10+10)
Investigating the cosmic-ray impact on climate in the past
Session 5. General Discussion and concluding remark (45)
17:30 end of the symposium
Posters (No., Name, Title)
1. Tsutomu NAGATSUMA
Nowcasting of space environment around GEO based on Energetic Particle Observations by GOES, Himawari-8, and Kodama
2. Daiko Shiota
Development plan of an interconnection framework for space weather models in PSTEP
3. Shunya Kono
Reflection and Mode Conversion of Alfven Wave in the Solar Chromosphere
4. Shinsuke Takasao
Systematic Numerical Study of Origin of Flare-productive Active Regions
5. Takako T. Ishii
Observations with Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope (SMART) at Hida Obs., Kyoto-U.
6. Naoto Nishizuka
Solar Flare Prediction with Machine-learning of Real-time Vector Magnetogram Data
7. Kumi Hirose
Filament Disappearances Observed with SMART, Hida Observatory
8. Yuki Kubo
Newly developed solar radio telescope for space weather forecast and research
9. Hiroaki Misawa
Development of a new solar radio telescope in the HF to VHF band
10. Kazutaka Kaneda
Relationship between Solar Eruptive Phenomena and the Spectral Fine Structure in Solar Radio Bursts
11. Sachiko Akiyama
A Comparative Study of Eruptive and Confined Solar Flares using Microwave
12. Seiji Yashiro
Propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections and the Solar Wind Speeds Estimated from the IPS Observations
13. Katsuhide Marubashi
Problems in geomagnetic storm prediction based on interplanetary magnetic flux ropes
14. Tomoya Iju
Three dimensional MHD Simulation of CME-CIR Interaction
15. Nishiki Nozaki
Statistical studies for prediction of IMF-Bz (1)
16. Nobuhiko Nishimura
Statistical studies for prediction of IMF-Bz (2)
17. Naoko Takahashi
Global evolution and propagation of electric fields during sudden impulses based on multi-point observations
18. Satoshi Kurita
Relativistic electron microbursts and flux variations of trapped MeV electrons: SAMPEX and Van Allen Probes observations
19. Masahiro Kitahara
Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer for interaction between whistler-mode chorus emissions and energetic electrons
20. Yuto Katoh
Dependencies of the generation process of whistler-mode chorus on the kinetic energy of anisotropic electrons in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
21. Shoya Matsuda
Plasma Diagnostics in Plasmasphere by Using Ion Cyclotron Whistlers
22. Akiko Fujimoto Space weather environment index based on ICSWSE magnetometer network
23. Masaki Kuwabara
The geocoronal responses to the geomagnetic storm
24. Takahiro Obara
Mechanisms of theta aurora formation
25. Takashi Kikuchi
GIC as a return of the global ionospheric currents
26. Prayitno Abadi
East-west Asymmetry of Scintillation Occurrence observed by GPS Receivers in Asia
27. Tam Dao
F-region Field-aligned Irregularities observed with Equatorial Atmosphere Radar and GPS data
28. Kornyanat Watthanasangmechai
Small amplitude plasma bubble clusters observed in Southeast Asia
29. Hiroyuki Shinagawa
Estimation of Occurrence Probabilities of Plasma Bubbles and Sporadic E layers Using GAIA
30. Nozomu Nishitani
SuperDARN observation of ionospheric density changes associated with solar flares and energetic particle precipitation
31. Yusuke Ebihara
Study on GIC on the Japanese Islands
32. Shigeru Fujita
Estimation of the geomagnetically induced current in Japan
– modeling of the induced electric field and empirical estimation of the induced current at a transformer station –
33. Tada-nori Goto
Review of crustal structure in and around the Japan island obtained by magnetotelluric soundings
34. Hiroki Matsushita
Development of dense magnetometer array in Peru for investigating detailed structure of EEJ
35. Wataru Sakashita
Tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotopes evidence for a humid climate in central Japan during the last stage of the Little Ice Age
36. Yasushi Muraki
The 11-year variation recorded in Yaku cedar tree ring–What does this mean?
37. Harufumi Tamazawa
Database of naked-eye sunspot and low-latitude aurora in pre-telescopic era recorded in the ancient documents
38. Ayumi Asai
Solar ultraviolet radiation estimated from solar images
(Rev. 2016.01.10b)