Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award of SGEPSS was given to Designated Assistant Professor, Dr. Kunihiro Keika
Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award of SGEPSS was given to Designated Assistant Professor, Dr. Kunihiro Keika
We are pleased to announce that Designated Assistant Professor, Dr. Kunihiro Keika (Center for Integrated Data Science), received Obayashi Early Career Scientist Award of the Society of Geomagnetism and Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS). He was given the award in honor of the outstanding achievements of his research on the dynamics of the inner magnetospheric ions using satellite data.
SGEPSS gives the award to young scientists who have produced unique achievements and been conducting research that is highly expected to make significant advance in the future. The ceremony was held at the 138th SGEPSS fall meeting in University of Tokyo on November 2, 2015.