
Education in ISEE

The Institute for Space–Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) offers graduate programs in the Graduate Schools of Science, Engineering, and Environmental Studies at Nagoya University, Japan. ISEE graduate students engage in a wide range of research in space–earth environmental studies using diverse methodologies and techniques such as ground observation, fieldwork, laboratory experiments, radioactive dating, numerical simulations and modeling, and theoretical research. Their work also includes the development of instruments for satellite, balloon, and aircraft, as well as the analysis of observational data. As ISEE members conduct research that involves analyzing data obtained from both domestic and international instrument platforms, as well as through ollaborative research with foreign researchers, ISEE students are actively pioneering new research fields through their involvement in international collaborations and interdisciplinary research with scholars worldwide. Their studies mature into MSc or PhD theses, which are presented at international workshops and conferences and published in peer-reviewed academic journals. At ISEE, we nurture researchers who can apply their specialized knowledge to address global challenges, with a broad and international perspective on the issues facing society.

Graduate schools, Departments, and Fields of study in ISEE

ISEE Research Departments
Graduate schools, Departments, and Laboratories / Research goups / Research divisions

The graduate school to which ISEE students belong differs on each faculty advisor.
After reading the information on this site, we recommend that you first consult with your desired advisor when deciding where to apply.

Course Tree

The figure on the right shows the lectures and seminars which ISEE instructors teach in the Graduate Schools of Science, Engineering, and Environmental Studies. Each course is also closely related to the research in different graduate schools.

Graduate Admissions

ISEE offers graduate education (Master’s and Doctoral programs) in the following areas: the Physical Sciences Division of Graduate School of Science, the Electrical Engineering Division of the Graduate School of Engineering, and the Earth and Planetary Sciences and Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Divisions of the Graduate School of Environmental To enroll in the graduate programs, you must take the entrance examination for the respective graduate school. The graduate school you apply to depends on the laboratory you wish to study in.
For detailed information on the admission process,schedule of each graduate school, and other admission-related information for the Global 30 International Programs (G30), please refer to the admissions website of the respective graduate schools.
In addition to graduate education, Nagoya University offers a short-term exchange program that provides international students enrolled in Nagoya University’s partner universities with the opportunity to study in Japan for 4 to 12 months.

Student Life

Financial Support for Students / Scholarship

ISEE offers Research Assistants (RA) position twice a year for doctoral students whose primary advisor is an ISEE faculty member. In addition, Nagoya University provides financial support for doctoral students through the THERS Make New Standards Program for the Next Generation Researchers. Applications for private scholarships are also accepted at any time. For information about private scholarships, please inquire at your graduate school after enrollment.

Overseas Travel Support

ISEE provides overseas travel support in the following categories: 13) and 16) out of the 17 categories of the ISEE Joint Usage/Research Program.
For details, please Click here.

  • 13) International travel support for field and laboratory experiments by students and early-career scientists
  • 16) International travel support for students (international presentation / institutional stay)

These programs provide graduate students with opportunities to gain experience through international exchange and participation in joint research. Category 13) is offered once a year, and category 16) is offered twice a year.

Message from Senior Students

楊 天量    2nd grade of Master’s Course in AM-lab, Division of Natural Science, Graduate School of Science


李 梓萌    3rd grade of Doctoral’s Course in Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental Studies (2022)



Jie Liu    2nd grade of Master’s Course in Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering (2021)

I am an international student from China, graduate from Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE). During the two and a half years of studying at ISEE, I can feel that there are many possibilities in life waiting for me to explore. In terms of research, I mainly study the propagation characteristics of Pc1 waves in the longitudinal range, and based on this, I prepare for the quantitative evaluation of the loss of radiation belt electrons. Fortunately, in the laboratory, I can get in touch with the latest research results, and have academic exchanges and ideological collisions with everyone. During the whole communication process, I realized that there is another way to think about the problem. In addition to the laboratory, I also participated in many domestic and international academic conferences. During discussions with many scholars, I also understood many other trends in related research. In the life of ISEE, I also have many opportunities to get along with my classmates. Whether it is to go out to the observatory to do experiments, or to participate in the laboratory dinner together, I can feel everyone’s enthusiasm, no matter whether each of us is from the same country. Here, I actually felt the passion of everyone coming together for research, and the kindness of everyone reaching out to me when I was in trouble. Even with all the reluctance in my heart, it’s time to say goodbye to ISEE. Then I can bring these wonderful memories to explore the infinite possibilities in the next stage of my life.

Staff List

Graduate School of Science
Division of Natural Science, Department of Physics (space-earth physics group)

Atmospheric and Environmental Science (AM)
Atmospheric Science, Radio Astronomy MIZUNO Akira Professor Division for Meteorological and Atmospheric Research
Middle Atmospheric Physics, Chemistry NAGAHAMA Tomoo Associate Professor Division for Meteorological and Atmospheric Research
Space Science – Experiment (SSE)
Space Physics, Planetary Exploration, Aurora Physics HIRAHARA Masafumi Professor Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research
Upper Atmospheric Physics NOZAWA Satonori Associate Professor Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research
Upper Atmospheric Observation Physics, Space Physics OYAMA Shin-ichiro Lecturer Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research
Solar and Space Physics-Theory (SST)
Space-Earth Environmental Sciences, Solar Physics, Plasma Astrophysics, MHD, Simulation Science, Cloud Physics KUSANO Kanya Professor Division for Integrated Studies
Solar/Stellar Physics, Numerical Simulation HOTTA Hideyuki Professor Division for Integrated Studies
Solar Physics MASUDA Satoshi Associate Professor Division for Integrated Studies
Aurora Science, Space Plasma Physics IEDA Akimasa Assistant Professor Division for Integrated Studies
Cosmic-Ray Physics (CR)
Cosmic-Ray Physics, Gamma-Ray Astrophysics, Dark Matter Research TAJIMA Hiroyasu Professor Division for Cosmic-Ray Research
Cosmic-Ray Physics MIYAKE Fusa Associate Professor Division for Cosmic-Ray Research
Dark Matter Research, Radiation Physics KAZAMA Shingo Associate Professor KMI / Division for Cosmic-Ray Research
Cosmic-Ray Physics, Gamma-Ray Astronomy OKUMURA Akira Lecturer Division for Cosmic-Ray Research
Cosmic-Ray Physics MENJO Hiroaki Assistant Professor Division for Cosmic-Ray Research
Heliospheric Plasma Physics (SW)
Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Radio Astronomy, Space Weather IWAI Kazumasa Associate Professor Division for Heliospheric Research
Solar Physics, Interplanetary Space Physics FUJIKI Ken-ichi Assistant Professor Division for Heliospheric Research

Graduate School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Course of Seminar on Space
Electromagnetic Environment

Space Electromagnetic Environment – Space Observation
Space Physics, Aeronomy SHIOKAWA Kazuo Professor Center for International Collaborative Research
Magnetospheric Physics, Ionospheric Physics, Aeronomy NISHITANI Nozomu Associate Professor Center for International Collaborative Research
GPS Ionospheric Physics, Radar Atmospheric Dynamics, Aeronomy OTSUKA Yuichi Associate Professor Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research
Magnetospheric Physics, Space Plasma Physics MARTINEZ-CALDERON Claudia Associate Professor Division for Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Research
Radio Astronomy, Interstellar Chemistry, Superconducting Devices NAKAJIMA Taku Assistant Professor Division for Meteorological and Atmospheric Research
Space Electromagnetic Environment – Information Engineering
Magnetospheric Physics, Space Plasma Physics, Space Weather MIYOSHI Yoshizumi Professor Center for Integrated Data Science
Natural Science, Astronomy, Solar Physics IIJIMA Haruhisa Associate Professor Center for Integrated Data Science

Graduate School of Environmental Studies
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Meteorology TSUBOKI Kazuhisa Professor Center for Integrated Data Science
Mesoscale Meteorology, Cloud Physics SHINODA Taro Associate Professor Center for Orbital and Suborbital Observations
Cloud and Precipitation Sciences
Clouds, Precipitation, Remote Sensing TAKAHASHI Nobuhiro Professor Center for Orbital and Suborbital Observations
Clouds, Precipitation, Climatology, Satellite Remote Sensing MASUNAGA Hirohiko Associate Professor Division for Meteorological and Atmospheric Research
Atmospheric Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Aerosol Science MOCHIDA Michihiro Professor Center for International Collaborative Research
Atmospheric Matter Science, Atmospheric Chemistry OHATA Sho Assistant Professor Division for Meteorological and Atmospheric Research
Climate Change, Global Warming, Arctic, Atmospheric Water Cycle, Terrestrial Water and Material Cycles HIYAMA Tetsuya Professor Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research
Climate System, Multiscale Water Cycle, Chemical Tracers KURITA Naoyuki Associate Professor Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research
Meteorology, Climatology, Asian Monsoons FUJINAMI Hatsuki Lecturer Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research
Ocean Physics, Numerical Simulation, Atmosphere-Ocean Boundary Layer, Atmosphere-Ocean Wave Analysis AIKI Hidenori Professor Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research
Biogeochemistry, Stable Isotopes, Marine Organic Matter MINO Yoshihisa Assistant Professor Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research
Isotope Geochemistry, Radiocarbon Dating MINAMI Masayo Professor Division for Chronological Research
Geochronology, Petrology, EPMA, X-Ray Spectral Analysis KATO Takenori Associate Professor Center for Integrated Data Science
Environmental History
Environmental Change Analysis, Accelerator Mass Spectrometry KITAGAWA Hiroyuki Professor Division for Chronological Research
Radiocarbon Dating, Ancient Documents, Paleography ODA Hirotaka Assistant Professor Division for Chronological Research

Link to

Graduate School of Science
Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School of Environmental Studies