
FY2024 (Updated on July 16, 2024)


Instruments Person in charge
Multi-Directional Cosmic Ray Muon Telescope (Nagoya) H. Menjo
Multi-station IPS solar wind observation system (Toyokawa, Fuji, and Kiso) K. Iwai
ELF/VLF Network K. Shiokawa 
ISEE Magnetometer Network K. Shiokawa 
ISEE Riometer Network K. Shiokawa 
Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers K. Shiokawa 
Sodium LIDAR (Tromsoe) S. Nozawa 
MF radar (Tromsoe) S. Nozawa 
Five-wavelength photometer (Tromsoe) S. Nozawa 
Meteor radar (Alta) S. Nozawa 
SuperDARN Hokkaido Pair of (HOP) radars (Rikubetsu) N. Nishitani 
Upper air sounding systems (two sets) K. Tsuboki 
X-band polarimetric radar systems (two sets) K. Tsuboki 
Ka-band polarimetric radar K. Tsuboki 
Hydrometeor video sonde (HYVIS) system K. Tsuboki 
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer for Atmospheric Composition Measurement (Moshiri and Rikubetsu) T. Nagahama 
Aerosol mass spectrometer M. Mochida
Total organic carbon analyzer M. Mochida
Sea Spray Aerosol Optical Particle Counter H. Aiki
Low-background beta-ray counter N. Kurita
Water Isotope Analyzer (Picarro L2130-i) N. Kurita 
CHN analyzer, Isotope ratio mass spectrometer  Y. Mino 
CHNS Elemental Analyzer(vario MICRO cube, Elementar) M. Minami 
X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) T. Kato 
X-ray diffractometer (XRD) T. Kato 


Software and Databases

Software and Databases Person in charge
The Center for Heliospheric Science Y. Miyoshi,
K. Kusano  
QL Plot Archive of Satellite Data for Integrated Studies Y. Miyoshi 
MHD Simulation on the Magnetospheric Environment Y. Miyoshi 
Interplanetary Scintillation Data K. Iwai 
Solar Wind Speed Data K. Iwai 
Reimei Satellite Observation Database M. Hirahara  
Coordinated Magnetic Data Along 210°Magnetic Meridian (Moshiri, Kagoshima, Rikubetsu and Overseas MM Stations) K. Shiokawa  
Database of the Optical Mesosphere Thermosphere Imagers K. Shiokawa  
ELF/VLF Wave Data K. Shiokawa 
ISEE Riometer Network Database  K. Shiokawa 
All-Sky Auroral Data (Canada, Alaska, and Siberia) K. Shiokawa,
Y. Miyoshi 
VHF radar / GPS scintillation (Indonesia) Y. Otsuka 
EISCAT Database S. Nozawa,
S. Oyama 
SuperDARN Hokkaido Pair of (HOP) radars database N. Nishitani 
Cloud Resolving Strom Simulator(CReSS) K. Tsuboki 
Atmosphere Composition Data by FTIR Measurements (Moshiri and Rikubetsu) T. Nagahama 
NO2 and O3 Data by UV/Visible Spectrometer Measurements (Moshiri and Rikubetsu) T. Nagahama 
Satellite Data Simulator Unit (SDSU) H. Masunaga 
Energy flux diagnosis code for atmospheric and oceanic waves H. Aiki



Facilities Person in charge
CIDAS system S. Masuda,
Y. Miyoshi
Ion/Electron Beamline and Calibration Facility M. Hirahara 
Clean Room Facility for Instrument Development M. Hirahara 
Thermal Vacuum Test System H. Tajima 
Vibration Test System H. Tajima 
Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometry H. Kitagawa,
M. Minami 
Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) T. Kato 
Facilities at Moshiri Observatory T. Mochida
Facilities at Rikubetsu Observatory A. Mizuno 
Facilities at Fuji Observatory K. Iwai 
Facilities at Kiso Observatory K. Iwai 
Facilities at Kagoshima Observatory Y. Otsuka 
