The 2nd VarSITI General Symposium
The ISEE, Nagoya University, held the 2nd VarSITI General Symposium ( at Irkutsk, Russia on July 10-15, 2017 in collaboration with SCOSTEP and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Russian Academy of Science. VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact, is the current international program of SCOSTEP for 2014-2018. This symposium was held with 162 participants from 26 countries to discuss the variability of the sun and its terrestrial impact. The symposium consists of 7 sessions, 1) Solar and heliospheric drivers of earth-affecting events, 2) Long-term variation of the sun, geomagnetic activity, and climate, 3) Coupling between the earth's atmosphere and space and its relation to quiet and active sun, 4) Understanding the earth's space environment and its connection to space weather, 5) Sun to mud campaign event study, 6) Atmospheric response to solar variability and modulation of its impact on timescales from minutes to decades, and 7) Data archiving and analysis tools. A special issue of JASTP will be published with papers based on the Symposium presentations, with promotional access (free for the authors, 9 months free to download).