Research Results
Research Results 2019-06-27
A new space weather forecasting system has been developed using the ground based interplanetary scintillation observations of ISEE and a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the inner heliosphere.
Research Results 2019-03-19
The mid-latitude SuperDARN review paper titled has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science journal.
Research Results 2018-10-25
On September 7, 2018 MDT (September 8 in Japan time), an international team from Nagoya University, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Kavli IPMU at University of Tokyo, JAXA institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo University of Science, Minnesota University, University of California at Berkeley and NASA performed the thrid flight of the Focusing Optics Solar X-ray Imager (FOXSI-3) sounding rocket payload for solar X-ray observations from White Sands, New Mexico, USA. A high-speed X-ray CMOS camera developed in Japan was onboard, and the CMOS camera sucessfully performed imaging spectroscopy of X-rays from the Sun in a 0.5-5 keV range for the first time. We expect the FOXSI-3 observation will reveal detailed physical conditions of the solar corona and coronal small scale events.
Research Results 2018-02-20
The Arase satellite for the first time identified the pulsating aurora electrons scattered by chorus waves in the magnetosphere.