The 2nd ISEE Award to UCSD IPS Group(Dr. B. V. Jackson, Dr. H.S. Yu, Dr. P. P. Hick, Dr. A. Buffington, and Dr. D. Odstrcil)
Aiming to develop space-earth environmental research, promoting interdisciplinary research, and exploring the new discipline of space-earth environmental research, the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) is presenting an ISEE Award to a prominent research activity that is based on the ISEE Joint Research Program.
We are pleased to announce that the 2nd ISEE Award is awarded to UCSD IPS Group(Dr. B. V. Jackson, Dr. H.S. Yu, Dr. P. P. Hick, Dr. A. Buffington, and Dr. D. Odstrcil) for their great contribution to the space-earth environmental research through the studies on the improvement of space weather forecasting by the computer-assisted tomography of interplanetary scintillation data. The award ceremony and memorial lecture will be held as below.
Date: January 29, 2020, 16:35-17:35
Place: ES hall of the ES building in the Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus
Speaker: Dr. Bernard V. Jackson (CASS/UCSD)
Title: Global Heliospheric Remote Sensing: A Brief Recent History