Prof. Emeritus Yasushi Muraki awarded the 4th Distinguished Service Award in Cosmic-ray Physics
Professor Emeritus Yasushi Muraki, an alumnus of the Institute’s Cosmic-Ray Research Division and a former professor of Division 3 (Heliospheric Environment) of the Solar–Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, received the 4th Distinguished Service Award in Cosmic-ray Physics for his “leading contributions to research in a wide range of related fields, including cosmic-ray physics, astrophysics, and solar–terrestrial physics, and to the expansion and vitalization of cosmic-ray physics” at the 2022 Autumn Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan held at Okayama University of Sciencey on September 8, 2022. A commemorative lecture was also given by Prof. Muraki during the meeting.
Distinguished Service Award in Cosmic-ray Physics was established by the Cosmic-ray Researchers Congress (CRC), a Japanese researchers’ community in cosmic-ray physics, in 2015 to honor cosmic-ray physicists who made outstanding long-term contributions to advance the field, and to record their works.
Prof. Muraki was a professor at the Solar–Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, a predecessor of the Institute of Space–Earth Environmental Research, and led the cosmic-ray research at Nagoya University. He explored many physics researches, such as a search for gamma-ray emission from Supernova 1987A, solar neutron observations, observations of gamma rays from thunderclouds, measurement of radioactive carbon in ring trees, a study of cosmic-ray interaction with a collider experiment, and gravitational microlensing observations, which have expanded and vitalized the field of cosmic-ray physics. The award was given for these contributions.