
The 3rd ISEE Symposium "PWING-ERG Conference and School"


The 3rd ISEE Symposium “PWING-ERG Conference and School” was held on March 8-12, 2021 via online. This conference was held as the completion of the PWING project and as the 5th year anniversary of the ERG (Arase) mission. The school was held in the first 1.5 days with six lectures and two training courses for graduate-course students. The ISEE Award presentation and commemorative lecture was held in the afternoon of March 11. The 264 participants from 37 countries registered in this conference and joined discussion on the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere based on latest ground and satellite measurements and modeling. This conference was supported by ISEE, Nagoya University, JSPS (PWING project: 16H06286), ISAS/JAXA (Arase Project), NICT, SCOSTEP, and SGEPSS. The conference site with details of the conference and school is at

Zoom Group Photo of the participants of the PWING-ERG Conference and School (multiple pages are combined with some overlaps)