
2nd International School on Equatorial and Low-Latitude Ionosphere (ISELLI-2)


The 2nd International School on Equatorial and Low-Latitude Ionosphere (ISELLI-2) was held at the Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria on 11-15 September 2017.  Participants are 38 students and young scientists from 7 countries from Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Egypt, Cote D’Ivore, Cameroon, and India. Fourteen lecturers are from Japan, US, Cote D’Ivore, and Nigeria introduced ionospheric dynamics, measurement techniques, Spread-F/plasma bubbles, and space weather.   A training of SPEDAS GUI system under IUGONET was held on Thursday.  Participants enjoyed lively discussions with the lecturers and mutual communications during this one-week school. This school was supported by Centre for Atmospheric Research (CAR) of NASRDA, Covenant University, Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) of Nagoya University, JSPS core-to-core program B. Asia-Africa Science Platforms, Japan, International Center for Space Weather Science and Education (ICSWSE) of Kyushu University, PSTEP and PWING Projects, and SCOSTEP/VarSITI.


Participants of ISELLI-2