
Mr. Hirofumi Isogai and Mr. Keita Morishima received the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) of JpGU 2024


Mr. Hirofumi Isogai (Division for Heliospheric Research , Graduate school of science, D1) and Mr. Keita Morishima (Division for Heliospheric Research, Graduate school of science, M2) received the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) of the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 (JpGU 2024) which was held on May 26-31, 2024.

The titles of their presentations were;

Hirofumi Isogai: Validation of initial Parameter dependence of CME Propagation and its Time of Arrival at Earth in SUSANOO-CME

Keita Morishima: Relationship between slow solar wind and plasma-upflow obtained from interplanetary scintillation observation, Hinode/EIS observation and PFSS model

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(Left) Mr. Isogai and (right) Mr. Morishima.