VarSITI Summarizing Workshop
VarSITI Summarizing Workshop was held as an ISEE/CICR international workshop in ISEE, Nagoya University on November 11-15, 2019. This workshop was designed to summarize the 5-year scientific achievements of the SCOSTEP’s VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact) program of 2014-2018. Ten scientists (project co-leaders and working group leaders of VarSITI) were joined from Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Japan, New Zealand, and USA, and draft of five review papers were written. These review papers will be submitted to Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS) for the special issue of VarSITI.
During this workshop, Nat Gopalswamy, the former SCOSTEP President, presented glass plaques to Ms. Mai Asakura, Newsletter secretary of CICR/ISEE for recognition of 5-year editorial support of VarSITI Newsletter, and to Mr. Mitko Danov of SRTI, Bulgaria, for recognition of 5-year support of VarSITI website operation.
Participants of the VarSITI Summarizing Workshop