Global warming has a bigger effect on compact, fast-moving typhoons


The simulation used several intense typhoons that caused
severe damages to Japan, including Faxai (picture) in September 2019.

A group from Nagoya University in Japan has found that larger,
slower-moving typhoons are more likely to be resilient against global
warming. However, compact, faster-moving storms are more likely to be
sensitive. These findings suggest an improved method to project the
strength of typhoons under global warming conditions. Their report was
published in Geophysical Research Letters.

The larger, slower moving typhoons cause the sea temperature
to drop largely, limiting the intensity of the storm. (credit: Reiko

Article information
Title:Buffering Effect of Atmosphere–Ocean Coupling on Intensity
Changes of Tropical Cyclones Under a Changing Climate
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters
Authors:Sachie Kanada, and Hidenori Aiki
Article Publication Date: December 29, 2023

The computation was carried out on the supercomputer “Flow” at
Information Technology Center, Nagoya University. This work was
partially supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
KAKENHI Grants 20H05166 and 19H05696.

Press release by Nagoya University