MEXT Promotion of Development of a Joint Usage/Research System Project: Coalition of Universities for Research Excellence Program (CURE) “Transdisciplinary Network linking Space–Earth Environmental Science, History, and Archaeology (TranSEHA)”
The MEXT Promotion of Development of a Joint Usage/Research System Project: Coalition of Universities for Research Excellence Program (CURE) “Transdisciplinary Network linking Space–Earth Environmental Science, History, and Archaeology (TranSEHA)” was launched from FY2024. This program aims to establish a new transdisciplinary network that integrates space and earth environmental science, history, and archaeology by fostering collaboration among the Institute for Space–Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) at Nagoya University, the National Museum of Japanese History, the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at Yamagata University, the Advanced Asian Archaeological Research Center at Kyushu University, the Research Organization of Information and Systems at Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, and the Center for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences at Nagoya University.
The TranSEHA program aims to assess the impact of extreme solar storms on modern civilization and promote new developments in history and archaeology based on new and more accurate dating. It also seeks to contribute to the formation of a sustainable, development-oriented society that extends into space, while preparing for space-related hazards, as well as earthquakes and volcanic disasters. Additionally, the program will focus on developing the next generation of international young researchers. For more information, please refer to the following URL: