Information : 2016
Science Festival in Tarumizu 2016A staff and four students of ISEE joined the Science Festival in Tarumizu 2016 which was held at Tarumizu, Kagoshima near the ISEE/CICR Kagoshima Observatory on 17 December 2016. [2016-12-19] |
1st ISEE/CICR Workshop on "Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Seeding and Development"From 29 November to 2 December, 2016, ISEE/CICR Workshop on "Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Seeding and Development" was held at Room 409 in Research Institute Building II in co-operation with PSTEP (Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction). [2016-12-06] |
SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science in IndiaWe have held the SCOSTEP/ISWI International School on Space Science, which is sponsored by the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and the International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) on November 7 to 17, 2016 at Sangli Maharashtra, India. 71 students and 30 scientists from 16 countries are gathered to have the school on space science. [2016-12-06] |
Call for Applications for ISEE International Joint Research Programs for the Fiscal Year 2017 was posted.[2016-12-06] |
VarSITI Newsletter Vol.11 is publishedAs an activity of SCOSTEP's VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact , 2014-2018), VarSITI Newsletter volume 11 has been published from ISEE, Nagoya University. [2016-11-29] |
A joint observation by solar observing satellites Hinode and IRIS quantitatively explores the formation of the solar chromosphere[2016-11-01] |
The latest issue of ISEE Newsletter Vol. 2[2016-10-31] |
The distribution of coronal holes over the last 40 yearsIn a collaboration with Chubu University, we developed an automated prediction technique for coronal holes using potential magnetic field extrapolation in the solar corona using synoptic magnetogram data obtained at Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory (USA). [2016-09-06] |
The latest issue of ISEE Newsletter Vol. 1[2016-05-25] |