Picture of the Month

Picture of the Month

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Online new year party 2021

ISEE had an online new year party 2021


Developing new IPS instruments

ISEE has various observation instruments for the researches of space-Earth environments. Some of them are developed by ISEE staffs and students. The picture shows laboratory experiments of new interplanetary scintillation observation instruments.


An ELF/VLF radio wave receiver was installed at the Kagoshima Observatory by Geogia Tech in USA on 23 November 2019.

An ELF/VLF radio wave receiver was installed at the Kagoshima Observatory by Geogia Tech in USA on 23 November 2019.
This receive observe radio waves from lightnings and standard transmitters to measure bottomside of the ionosphere routinely.


Nagoya University Home Coming Day 2019

ISEE organized a special event of the Nagoya University Home Coming Day 2019 on October 19


ISEE Open House

ISEE open house took place on June 15, 2019. The kids are making their own spectrometers and observing the ceiling light. Please join us again next year!


Large radio telescope in Toyokawa

The large radio telescope for the solar wind observations in Toyokawa was open to the public on March 23, 2019.


The two-week basic course on space application in the private sector
Short courses on satellites and their applications were held for undergraduate and graduate students over 10 days from February 25 (Mon) to March 5(Fri), as one of educational activities of Space Exploration and Research Office.


1st ISEE Award ceremony

The ceremony of the 1st ISEE Award and the memorial lecture are held.


Geologic field excursion at Mt. Apoi, Hokkaido - A window into the mantle -


Second Colloquium in FY2018


Fireball photographed at the SuperDARN Hokkaido East radar site

Fireball photographed by a digital camera installed at the SuperDARN Hokkaido East radar site at 2055:55 JST (25sec-exposure) on October 18, 2018.


Nagoya Univ. Homecoming Day & Techno Fair 2018


Satellite Oceanography Training Course for Students of Zhejiang Ocean University

Students (14 undergraduates and 14 graduates) and 3 teachers of Zhejiang Ocean University visited ISEE from August 2 to 10, 2018, and the member of Division for Land-Ocean Ecosystem Research provided a training course for Satellite Oceanography.


Radiocarbon dating of peach stones excavated from the Makimuku archeological site in Nara prefecture


The External Review of ISEE


ISEE Open House


ISEE welcome party 2018


Experiencing Frontiers in Marine Science Research

Public lecture and open house at Science Museum of Gamagori-city


Cross Appointment with the University of Oulu, Finland

Dr. Shin-ichiro Oyama (Lecturer of Nagoya University) arrived at a professor position of the University of Oulu, Finland under the cross appointment system, which is the first challenge in the Nagoya University. The position is expected to form a plan and proceed preparation to achieve the scientific objectives related to upper atmospheric studies by applying the world's cutting edge EISCAT_3D radar.


The first Large-Sized Telescope of the CTA observatory under construction on the island of La Palma

The first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, the next-generation gamma-ray observatory, is under construction on the island of La Palma, Spain. The first light with this telescope is scheduled to be in 2018.


ISEE public lecture "Earth observation"

“Earth observation”, an ISEE public lecture, was held at the Sakata-Hirata Hall of Nagoya University on December 2, 2017. 


The eye of Supertyphoon Lan (2017) from the aircraft


Nagoya Univ. Homecoming Day 2017


HINODE satellite observed the fine structure of magnetic field producing the gigantic solar flare

Japanese solar observing satellite HINODE successfully observed the fine structure of magnetic field on the solar active region where the largest solar flare occurred in the current solar cycle.


PSTEP Summer School RIKUBETSU 2017


ISEE Open House


Estimating permafrost thawing rate at Mongolia using a drone and spring water analyses


Setting of equipment to measure ocean color in Ariake Bay


New installation of an auroral imager and electromagnetic wave receivers at Husafell, Iceland


A field observation using a Ka-band radar in Ishikawa Prefecture

A field observation for the distribution of solid cloud particles in snow clouds using a Ka-band radar in Ishikawa Prefecture during the 2016-2017 winter season.


Arase satellite launch

The geospace exploration satellite Arase(ERG) was successfully launched on Dec. 20, 2016.


Kiso observatory participated in the Liaison Council,
"Nagano-ken ha uchu-ken"

Photo of Kiso observatory


A new experiment to measure cosmic-ray interaction at the RHIC collider in USA, to be ready soon

Compact RHICf detector (click to know where ! ) installed in the gigantic machine.
We try to solve the origin of cosmic rays using the RHIC and LHC colliders.


New stage of solar-earth environmental studies using the Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometry


Hinode-10 Science Meeting

Hinode-10 Science Meeting and SOLAR-C Science Meeting were held at Nagoya University on Sep. 5 to 9, 2016.


Cooperative Cruise in East China Sea

Cooperative cruise in East China Sea was conducted by ISEE with Nagasaki University, Kyushu University, Toyama University, Korea Institute for Ocean Science and Technology,and Ocean University of China.


PWING Project has been launched.

PWING Project has been launched to develop longitudinal network of aurora and electromagnetic wave observations in the northern polar region.


Intensive observation of cloud and precipitation using radars and special sondes in Okinawa during Baiu season

An intensive observation for cloud and precipitation using radars and special sondes was carried out in Okinawa in collaboration with DPRI of Kyoto University,etc.


"Youth Meeting for AstroParticle" is Launched

"Youth Meeting for AstroParticle (YMAP)", an informal organization for graduate students and young researchers, was launched by some students of ISEE and other universities in 2016.


Research Institutes Building II was completed.

Research Institutes Building II was completed. It is a research and education facility of ISEE as well as Research Institutes Building I.


Partial solar eclipse observed with Nobeyama Radioheliograph

Nobeyama Radioheliograph operated by ISEE successfully observed a partial solar eclipse on 9 March 2016.


Successful launch of Hitomi X-ray satellite and ChubuSat satellite (Courtesy of JAXA)

X-ray satellite Hitomi (ASTRO-H) and ChubuSat-2 microsatellite that ISEE members contributed in development were successfully launched from Tanegashima on February 17, 2016.


International Symposium PSTEP-1 in Nagoya University

International Symposium PSTEP-1 "Toward the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction as Science and Social Infrastructure" was held on 13,14 January in the Nagoya University.


Regional contribution program 2: 'Let's try to unravel the mystery of clay minerals'

Regional contribution program 2 for elementary and junior high school students: 'Let's try to unravel the mystery of clay minerals' was held on December 6, 2015.


Inauguration ceremony of ISEE took place on 4 Nov.

Inauguration ceremony of ISEE took place on 4 Nov.


Kickoff Meeting for a new project; "Prediction of Solar-Terrestrial Environment"

Kickoff Meeting for a new project; "Prediction of Solar-Terrestrial Environment"

