Picture of the Month : 2016
Kiso observatory participated in the Liaison Council,
A new experiment to measure cosmic-ray interaction at the RHIC collider in USA, to be ready soonCompact RHICf detector (click to know where ! ) installed in the gigantic machine. [2016-11-24] |
New stage of solar-earth environmental studies using the Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometry[2016-11-01] |
Hinode-10 Science MeetingHinode-10 Science Meeting and SOLAR-C Science Meeting were held at Nagoya University on Sep. 5 to 9, 2016. [2016-09-15] |
Cooperative Cruise in East China SeaCooperative cruise in East China Sea was conducted by ISEE with Nagasaki University, Kyushu University, Toyama University, Korea Institute for Ocean Science and Technology,and Ocean University of China. [2016-08-18] |
PWING Project has been launched.PWING Project has been launched to develop longitudinal network of aurora and electromagnetic wave observations in the northern polar region. [2016-07-26] |
Intensive observation of cloud and precipitation using radars and special sondes in Okinawa during Baiu seasonAn intensive observation for cloud and precipitation using radars and special sondes was carried out in Okinawa in collaboration with DPRI of Kyoto University,etc. [2016-06-21] |
"Youth Meeting for AstroParticle" is Launched"Youth Meeting for AstroParticle (YMAP)", an informal organization for graduate students and young researchers, was launched by some students of ISEE and other universities in 2016. [2016-05-30] |
Research Institutes Building II was completed.Research Institutes Building II was completed. It is a research and education facility of ISEE as well as Research Institutes Building I. [2016-04-13] |
Partial solar eclipse observed with Nobeyama RadioheliographNobeyama Radioheliograph operated by ISEE successfully observed a partial solar eclipse on 9 March 2016. [2016-03-31] |
Successful launch of Hitomi X-ray satellite and ChubuSat satellite (Courtesy of JAXA)X-ray satellite Hitomi (ASTRO-H) and ChubuSat-2 microsatellite that ISEE members contributed in development were successfully launched from Tanegashima on February 17, 2016. [2016-02-22] |
International Symposium PSTEP-1 in Nagoya UniversityInternational Symposium PSTEP-1 "Toward the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction as Science and Social Infrastructure" was held on 13,14 January in the Nagoya University. [2016-01-21] |