Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania
会場:名古屋大学・東山キャンパス・ 研究所共同館2-409号室
コンビーナー:尾形 友道(JAMSTEC)・堀井 孝憲(JAMSTEC)・升本 順夫(東京大学)・相木 秀則(名古屋大学)
Chair: Yukio Masumoto
13:05-13:45 : [Keynote] Iskhaq Iskandar (Universitas Sriwijaya) Dynamics of SST warming in the Indonesian Seas
13:45-14:10 : Takanori Horii (JAMSTEC) On the coastal upwelling signal observed along the southwestern coasts of Sumatra and Java
14:10-14:35 : Hiroyuki Tomita (Nagoya Univ.) Satellite-based estimation of air-sea heat flux for typhoon studies
14:35-14:45 : Break
Chair: Joji Ishizaka
14:45-15:10 : Eko Siswanto (JAMSTEC) Fingerprint of climate change on Indo-Pacific coastal biological production
15:10-15:35 : Jutarak Luang-on (Nagoya Univ.) 15-year surface chlorophyll-a variations in the upper Gulf of Thailand
15:35-16:00 : Dudsadee Leenawarat (Nagoya Univ.) Seasonal and interannual variability of sea surface chlorophyll-a in the Gulf of Thailand
16:00-16:25 : Yoshikazu Sasai (JAMSTEC) Interannual variability of marine ecosystem in the Kuroshio Extension region
16:25-16:35 : Break
Chair: Shoichiro Kido
16:35-17:00 : Hatsuki Fujinami (Nagoya Univ.) Mesoscale precipitation systems and their role in the rapid development of a monsoon depression over the Bay of Bengal
17:00-17:25 : Hiroshi Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) Relationship between sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Philippines during the Asian summer monsoon
17:25-17:50 : Takuro Matsuta (Univ. Tokyo) Modified view of eddy-mean flow interaction rates
Chair: Takanori Horii
9:15-9:40 : Kentaro Ando (JAMSTEC) Current status of UN Decade of Ocean Science
9:40-10:05 : Taira Nagai (Univ. Tokyo) Direct estimates of turbulent mixing in the Indonesian Seas and its impact on the water-mass transformation
10:05-10:30 : Yukiko Kozaka (Nagoya Univ.) The history of formation of the semi-closed Japan Sea, inferred from seawater Nd isotopes
10:30-10:55 : Ai Genta (Okayama Univ.) Reconstruction of marine enciroment using coral geochemical records from Java Sea
10:55-11:10 : Break
Chair: Yuki Kanno
11:10-11:35 : Yoko Yamagami (Univ. Tokyo) Impact of ocean resolution on SST and precipitation over the Indian Ocean in a coupled GCM
11:35-12:00 : Yohei Yamada (JAMSTEC) Tropical cyclone activity in ensemble simulations using a high resolution nonhydrostatic model
12:00-12:25 : Tomomichi Ogata (JAMSTEC) Application study of climate variability to cholera outbreak (PODCAST project)