
2021年度名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所共同利用集会 インド洋/太平洋域における海洋循環/環境応用に関する研究集会 Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania


Time and date: 10:00-12:00 & 14:00-16:00, Nov. 18 (Thu) & Nov. 19 (Fri)
Event format: online-onsite hybrid
online  ビデオ会議でご参加に興味がある方は、アドレスをお伝えしますのでコンビーナーにメールで問い合わせください。
onsite  名古屋大学東山キャンパス
           Thursday, Nov. 18 Sakata-Hirata Conference Hall(D2-7 坂田・平田ホール 1階)
           Friday, Nov. 19 Noyori Conference Hall(E3-1 野依記念学術交流館 2階)
コンビーナー:尾形 友道(JAMSTEC)・堀井 孝憲(JAMSTEC)・升本 順夫(東京大学)・相木 秀則(名古屋大学)


Chair: Takanori Horii
10:00-10:05 JST (Opening Remarks)
10:05-10:25 (1-minute self introduction)

Chair: Yukio Masumoto
10:30-11:00 Tengfei Xu, First Institute of Oceanography
          South China Sea water transport to the Indonesian seas and its potential influence on the south tropical Indian Ocean

11:00-11:30 Yusuke Terada, The Univ. of Tokyo
          Indo-Pacific interbasin exchange of equatorial wave energy through the Indonesian archipelago in a reduced gravity model

11:30-12:00 Zimeng Li, Nagoya Univ.
          Transfer routes of wave energy in the tropical Indian Ocean during IOD negative events

12:00-12:30 (Free discussion)

Chair: Tomomichi Ogata
14:00-14:30 JST Iskhaq Iskandar, Univ. of Sriwijaya
          Role of the eastern boundary-generated waves on the termination of 1997 Indian Ocean Dipole event

14:30-15:00 Patrick Martineau, JAMSTEC
          An early warning malaria prediction system based on climate predictors

15:00-15:30 Tomomichi Ogata, JAMSTEC
Climate precursor for cholera outbreaks

15:30-16:00 (Free discussion)

16:00-16:30 Discussion about Special Issue in Frontier

Friday, Nov. 19

Chair: Takanori Horii
10:00-10:30 JST Takanori Horii, JAMSTEC
          Surface Chlorophyll-a variations associated with coastal upwelling south of Java, and its relation to the Indian Ocean Dipole

10:30-11:00 Dudsadee Leenawarat, Nagoya Univ.
          Seasonal variability of surface chlorophyll-a in the Gulf of Thailand and influence of ENSO

11:00-11:30 Kentaro Ando, JAMSTEC
          CSK-2 programme in IOC/WESTPAC

11:30-12:00 (Free discussion)

Chair: Hidenori Aiki
14:00-14:30 JST Yang Yang, Nanjing Univ. of Information Science and Technology
          Vertical coupling and dynamical source for the intraseasonal variability in the deep Kuroshio Extension

14:30-15:00 ZhenLong Zhang, Kagoshima Univ.
          Seasonal velocity variations over the entire Kuroshio path

15:00-15:30 Yingnan Jiang, Nagoya University
          Composite time-series analysis of near-surface aerosols in strong wind events at Cape Hedo

15:30-16:00 Hidenori Aiki, Nagoya Univ.
          Atmospheric wave energy circulation in idealized MJO experiment

16:00-16:30 (Free discussion, closing remark)