2024年度名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所共同利用集会 インド洋/太平洋域における海洋循環/環境応用に関する研究集会 Approaches for Hydrospheric-Atmospheric Environmental Studies in Asia-Oceania
Time and date: Dec. 11 (Wed) 13:00-17:50 JST – Dec. 12 (Thu) 9:00-12:40 JST, 2024
Event format: online-in-person hybrid
online ビデオ会議でご参加に興味がある方は、アドレスをお伝えしますのでコンビーナーにメールで問い合わせください。
in-person 名古屋大学東山キャンパス
Lecture Hall, Environmental Studies Building 1F(D2-2 環境総合館レクチャーホール)
December 11 (Wed) Chairs: Hidenori Aiki (ISEE) and Tomomichi Ogata (JAMSTEC)
13:00–13:10 JST (Opening Remarks)
13:10–13:40 Tomomichi Ogata (JAMSTEC)
Nutrient and phytoplankton variability over the subtropical western North Pacific simulated in OFES2
13:40–14:10 Florence Mila Purnomo Sie (Tohoku Univ.)
Seasonal and interannual variation on local sst minimum and chlorophyll a maximum around the Savu Sea, Indonesia
14:10–14:40 Soyoka Harano (Tohoku Univ.)
Typhoon response of phytoplankton observed in a marine ecosystem model
14:40–15:10 Takeshi Anami (Univ. of Tokyo)
The role of subtropical cells in tropical Pacific decadal variability
15:10–15:30 (Free discussion & Break)
15:30–16:00 Takeshi Doi (JAMSTEC) (Online)
Seasonal predictability of tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific by a large-ensemble climate model
16:00–16:30 Tengfei Xu (First Institute of Oceanography, China) (Online)
Mooring Observed Cross Equator Propagation of Kelvin Waves through the Makassar Strait
16:30–17:00 Hiroki Iwasa (Univ. of Tokyo)
Roles of ITF on heat content anomaly distribution in the eastern Indian Ocean at decadal timescale
17:00–17:30 Ardiansyah Desmont Puryajati (Tohoku Univ.)
Investigation of spatiotemporally contiguous marine heatwaves in the Maritime Continent
17:30–17:50 (Free discussion)
December 12 (Thu) Chairs: Takanori Horii (ISEE) and Yukio Masumoto (Univ. of Tokyo)
9:00–9:30 JST Yoshinori Sasaki (Hokkaido Univ.) (Online)
Role of local wind forcing to the transition of the Kuroshio Extension state around 2017: Application of wind-forced thin-jet theory
9:30–10:00 Hidenori Aiki (Nagoya Univ.)
Climatology of wave energy circulation in the Atmosphere
10:00–10:30 Kaiwen Ye (Nagoya Univ.)
Downward flux of wave energy in the lower troposhere over the Pacific Ocean
10:30–10:50 (Free discussion & Break)
10:50–11:20 Yusuke Terada (Univ. of Tokyo)
Generation of the deep zonal jets in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean
11:20–11:50 Borui Wu (Nagoya Univ.)
Deep reaching wave energy-flux in the off-equatorial western and central Pacific Ocean during the El Nino and La Nina events
11:50–12:20 Shinnosuke Yoshida (Hokkaido Univ.)
Interannual and long-term variability in the western part of the Weddell Gyre
12:20–12:40 (Free discussion & Closing remark)